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About Me....

I’m a Brisbane Marriage Celebrant with the soul of a poet, the heart of an empath and the ego of a..... hmmm not sure... 


... one of the first records (big black round things) I ever bought was Skyhooks' Ego album.


My Gen Y children are constantly telling me I'm not funny, but they're wrong. I can be funny AF when it's appropriate and so sharp I cut myself most days...yeah, I know it's not that cool to toot my own trumpet, but this is the elevator pitch after all :)


However, after nearly 40 years my own wedding dress doesn't seem to fit any more :(

sally thomas brisbane celebrant

Why am I a celebrant?  I decided all the skills and talents I'd been nurturing over the course of my life really needed to be put to a use where I could share in the watershed moments of people's lives. 


The happy and the sad times, the important and the fun times, where I can support, advise and facilitate memories you will cherish forever. It's the best job I've ever had, and I've had quite a few; from check-out chick to tour guide, from patchwork teacher to bookkeeper and a ship-load in between. 

brisbane marriage celebrant

My Other Passions

  • Cooking from scratch, including preserving our backyard harvest

  • Anything textile – sewing, knitting, crochet, quilting, millinery

  • Theatre (on or off stage)

  • True Crime (although not as a participant)

  • History and Genealogy

  • All things British

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